My Path Of Healing

Let Life Love You

I am a completely different person because of Tatiana: 
centered, connected and surfing the waves of life
without drowning. Forever grateful
.” ~ Aruna

You’re ready, aren’t you?

Wholeness already exists within You.
We can fall back into it together.

Let’s bring you into alignment so you can create the life of your dreams.

Be at peace with the flow of your life
Become authority in your own life

Akashiana, CA

“I have been on my Spiritual path for decades and found that there are certain areas of my life (past) that affect my current life. I found Tatiana to be well-versed in multi-dimensional work and therefore she was my first choice! I am bolder, more confident and fearless because of working with Tatiana.

I love her humility, her vast wisdom, her cadence and pace, her connection to Spirit.”

energy healing

who can benefit from energy healing?

Suffering from grief or loss of a loved one
in times of transition (moving, career change, or empty nest)
Relationship issues
Intimacy or sexual Difficulties
on a personal quest for purpose

on a professional quest for clarity around career
struggles with parenting
struggles with expressing your needs and desires
a desire to manifest and create the life you want to live
a desire to be more present and grateful

Aruna, CA

“Tatiana’s care, love, presence and devotion are so nurturing and healing just by themselves. I’ve been able to go the deepest I’ve been with her. She shines the light into my darkest corners and it feels very safe to explore. I am a completely different person because of Tatiana: centered, connected and surfing the waves of life without drowning. Forever grateful.”

You don't need to do it alone

Hi, I am Tatiana Vatury and I’ve devoted more than 25 years of my life to spiritual work.

I have studied psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and even turned to teachers of religious wisdom, and yet I’ve always come back to find the whole world inside myself and myself in the whole world.

I graduated from a 4-year program at Barbara A. Brennan’s School of Healing in Florida with a Diploma of Energy Science Practitioner. I studied and practiced the craniosacral method, Reiki, Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and Breathwork.

In my practice, I encompass the body, mind, spirit and Divine spark. With integrative energy work we bring awareness and energy to our blocks to be happy. This awareness allows the possibility to gently release limiting beliefs from the mind, tensions from the body, and heal our life.

“The work with Tatiana is deep and powerful. And it goes far beyond physical ailments, including emotional recharging, and promoting clarity and purose as results.” ~ Nicolas

Step into the life
you choose...

“I don’t want this kind of life!!!!!” 
The thought became a feeling of panic, almost claustrophobic, despair of how boring, flat and liniar my life is going to be…. 

And in the middle of this unexpected inner chaos I heard a voice inside myself.
The voice was sweet and calm and it said:
“It doesn’t have to be anything that
you don’t want it to be.
In fact, your life will be exactly how you choose it to be.”
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